Early October Recap

October 6, 2023

Dear St. Elizabeth's Community,

As we move through the academic year, I am continually inspired by the unique and meaningful experiences that bind our community together. These events are not just occasions; they are the threads that weave the rich tapestry of our school culture, rooted in our Episcopal identity and social justice mission.

Our recent Blessing of the Animals chapel service was nothing short of heartwarming. The morning was filled with joyful barks, purrs, and squeals, as students brought in their beloved pets and stuffies for a special blessing by Pastor Tory.  This event offered us a poignant glimpse into the deep connections between our students and their animal companions. More importantly, it was a beautiful reminder of our interconnectedness in this world. As we teach our students the importance of compassion for all living beings, we are also nurturing the foundation for a generation that will actively work toward a more just and interconnected world. Our responsibility to care for our planet extends to all creatures, and this event exemplified that beautifully.

Building on the theme of interconnectedness, the High School Fair was a tremendous success! St. Elizabeth's had the honor of hosting over 15 area high schools, as well as 8th graders from various independent schools across the Denver Metro Area. This was more than an informational event; it was an opportunity for our students to explore future educational possibilities and broaden their understanding of the world of which they are a part. It was also wonderful to see some of our alums representing their high schools at the Fair. Marin Delp ‘22 (St. Mary’s), Tessa Reiser ‘22 (Colorado Academy), Peyton Pack ‘20 (Regis Jesuit), and Tselot Hailu ‘20 (Kent Denver) were all in attendance making St. Elizabeth’s and their respective high schools proud! Thank you to Director of Admissions Jamika McNally and Administrative and Communications Specialist Emily Branam for their work in organizing the High School Fair. 

We are excited to continue celebrating Latine Heritage Month. The school has been abuzz with cultural expressions, from crafting piñatas in lower school Spanish classes to savoring Mexican Hot Chocolate in middle school advisory sessions. These activities are not merely for enjoyment; they serve as enriching experiences that underscore the importance of recognizing and respecting the unique heritage of our fellow global citizens. In doing so, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a community where every individual feels seen, valued, and included.

Thank you for being a vital part of our St. Elizabeth's family. Your support enables us to fulfill our mission of shaping future leaders who are primed to make the world a more inclusive, equitable, and compassionate place.

Best foot forward,

Adriana Murphy
Head of School