Dear St. Elizabeth's School Community, 

When we hear the word “rigor,” it’s often associated with long hours of homework or acing standardized tests. At St. Elizabeth’s School, we believe rigor means something far more nuanced and multidimensional. It’s about equipping students with the skills, knowledge, and mindset to tackle real-world challenges, think critically, and lead with purpose. And we’re doing it in ways that go beyond the conventional measures of academic success.


What is Rigor for the Real World?
In today’s world, rigor isn’t just about memorizing facts or mastering formulas; it’s about cultivating problem-solving skills, communication and collaboration, and adaptability. Research shows that true academic growth happens when students are challenged to think deeply, connect concepts, and apply their learning to meaningful, real-world contexts. Rigor today means preparing students to navigate complexity and uncertainty with confidence and resilience.

Beyond Standardized Tests: Measuring What Matters
While standardized tests can offer one snapshot of student performance, they’re not the only—or the best—way to measure learning. At St. Elizabeth’s, we focus on assessments that reflect the depth and breadth of a student’s growth. These include dynamic projects, collaborative problem-solving, and opportunities for students to reflect on their learning. For example, our 4th graders will be applying their research and writing skills and later their public speaking skills as they delve into their Passion Projects and teach their classmates about them.

Cutting-Edge Education at St. Elizabeth’s
At St. Elizabeth’s, rigor takes on a whole new meaning through innovative programs that challenge students to think critically and act responsibly. Our signature STEAM class in  Kindergarten through 5th Grade enables students to explore science, technology, engineering, art, and math concepts while learning about, tinkering with, and applying principles of the scientific method, design, and teamwork. In our Social Justice class for 4th through 8th grades, students engage deeply with issues of equity, fairness, and community impact.This isn’t just about learning concepts—it’s about understanding how to apply them to make a difference. Through discussions, research, and real-world projects, students develop the analytical skills, empathy, and courage to lead in a diverse and interconnected world. Stay tuned for more examples here and on our Instagram page @st.elizabethsschool, where you can see our mission in action.

A rigorous education at St. Elizabeth’s doesn’t just prepare students for the next test or grade level—it prepares them for life. By prioritizing critical thinking, real-world application, and social responsibility, we’re helping our students develop the skills they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world.


Best foot forward,

Adriana Murphy
Head of School