It has been an absolute delight to welcome our students, families, and faculty back to campus over the past week at our Back-to-School Picnic, our Meet and Greet, and our first day assembly and orientation. I’ve been asking students who they thought was more excited to start school—the kids or the teachers? Given the buzzing and the sounds of learning, laughter, and joy over the last few days, it’s pretty hard to tell. But as one parent noted yesterday, perhaps it’s the parents and caregivers who are most excited for school to be starting up again.

Our theme this year, "Together, We Go Far," couldn't be more fitting as we navigate the joys and challenges that lie ahead.

At St. E’s, we believe deeply in the power and responsibility we hold as educators, parents, and caregivers in building a safe and trusted community for our children. In today's world, where loneliness has reached epidemic levels, the role we play in fostering genuine connections is more critical than ever. Our U.S. Surgeon General has highlighted the healing effects of social connection, reminding us that humans are wired for this. Yet, in a time of increasing isolation, it is our duty to ensure that no one in our community—adult or child—ever feels alone.

But how do we do this? How do we transform the natural connection we all crave into a vibrant, supportive, and trusted community?

Start with Connection and Compassion

At St. E’s, our core values of compassion, curiosity, and courage guide us. Compassion allows us to see and support one another in meaningful ways. Curiosity encourages us to get to know each other beyond the surface, to understand the stories and experiences that shape our lives. And courage? Courage is what drives us to reach out, even when it feels vulnerable, to ensure that everyone is included.

The Power of Showing Up

Building a trusted community starts with simply showing up. Whether it’s chaperoning a field trip, attending a school event, or even just making small talk with another parent at pick-up—these actions matter. When we show up, we send a powerful message to our children: that community and connection are not just values we talk about, but something we live out every day.

Ways to Get Involved

We have numerous ways for you to get involved this year, each one a step towards making our community stronger:

  • Chaperone a field trip: Be there as our children explore the world beyond the classroom.

  • Be a guest speaker or read to a class: Share your experiences and inspire curiosity.

  • Lead or join the parents’ association: Help shape the future of our school community.

  • Be an admissions ambassador: Welcome new families with warmth and enthusiasm.

  • Participate in events and activities: From cutting decorations to leading after-school activities, every contribution makes a difference.

If you're looking for more ways to connect, don’t hesitate to reach out. We believe that everyone has something valuable to offer, and we want to help you find your place within our community.

Combatting Loneliness Together

In a world where so many feel disconnected, our goal at St. E’s is to build a sanctuary of connection. We assume positive intent, offer support, and resist the urge to reduce one another to a single story. Here, we ask for help and never let each other sit alone (unless they choose to, but we offer company first!). Together, we will make this school a place where every child and adult feels seen, heard, and valued.

As we step into this new school year, let’s remember that the small moments of connection are the building blocks of a trusted community. Let’s show up for each other, extend a hand of friendship, and create a place where every person—young or old—knows they belong.

Together, we go far.

Welcome home, St. Elizabeth's! I can't wait to see all that we will accomplish together this year.

Best foot forward,

Adriana Murphy
Head of School