Middle School News

September 1, 2022 - September 1, 2030

The Middle School years are ones of great growth and discovery. Through hard work and perseverance, it's heartwarming to see their self-confidence and independence grow as they uncover who they are. We know that adult guidance is vital at this age, and we are committed to giving them opportunities where they can experience a deep sense of belonging, leadership, and empathy. 

One of our traditions that highlights leadership is when the Middle School students walk into assembly on the first day of school, holding the hands of our Kindergarten students. These two grade levels bookend the St. Elizabeth’s experience–the beginning and the end–and remind us all that being a good role model is a powerful thing. Please watch the video of this special moment!

To build community and kick-off our first week of school, the Middle School students visited Evergreen Lake. They played games, engaged in some team-building exercises in their Advisory groups, hiked around the lake, and even went fishing! Parents joined us, sharing coffee, pastries, and conversation. Maybe everyone made a new friend this week?

Our Middle School students had another big moment when they were able to choose their Music, Theater, and Art Electives as well as their P.E.courses. We also added a Middle School Golf Team to our athletic offerings this year and we’re welcoming back the St. E’s Cross Country Team. Learn more about the Cross Country Team and the Golf Team and see if one is right for you.

As you can see, the first week was full of some “new” and “old” experiences as we welcome our students to the 2022-2023 School Year.